DE SACRIS ECCLESIAE MINISTERIIS AC BENEFICIIS LIBRI VIII (Books I - VIII) in quibus quiquid ad plenam juris pontificii cognitionem necessarium est, breuiter dilucide explicatum continetur. Item pro libertate ecclesiae Gallicae adversus Romanam aulam defensio Parisiensis curiae, Lucouico XI Gallorum regi quondam oblata... LIBRI VIII, by FRANCISCI DUARENI (aka Francois DOUAREN, Francois DUAREN, Francois DUARENUS). Published ANNO M DCC XIII (1713). Publisher and place unstated. TEXT in LATIN. VELLUM covers, red and brown striped page edges, 4x6.5 inches (10x17 cm), 8vo. Pagination: [2], 515, [9] pages. Interesting Previous Owners: There is a blind stamped Name and Address of "A. M. STORACE (Alfonso Maria Storace), Tomaso 16, Napoli (Naples)" on the front free endpaper. Alfonso Maria Storace wrote, among other things, a book titled: Ricerche Storiche Intorno al Comune di s. Antimo (Historical Research of the City of Sant'Antimo, Italy), which was published in Naples, Italy, in 1887. There is a circular ink stamp on the front pastedown showing that this book once was in the Library of Rev. L. KUENZEL (LESTER HENRY KUENZEL, aka Reverend L. Kunzel, Father Lester H. Kuenzel). He wrote, among other things, "A Manual of the Ceremonies of Low Mass" which was published in New York in 1930. And there is also a small, recent bookplate on the front pastedown with the letters "SAG". Condition: Remnants of a shelving label on the spine, spine lettering has rubbed away, some yellowing and soiling to the vellum covers, inner hinges cracked but holding, inner pages are toned, some quite heavily, but the printing is always legible. Overall a complete, solid, presentable copy of this book from 1713. About FRANÇOIS DOUAREN (from Wikipedia): ******François Douaren (also sometimes spelled Duaren; Franciscus Duarenus; Francisci Duareni) b. 1509 d. 1559,
was a French jurist and professor of law at the University of Bourges. After studies in Paris under Budé and in Bourges, Douaren worked as an advocate for the Parlement of Paris. In 1538, he was called to teach at Bourges. Following a bitter dispute with Baro, he abandoned the chair for Paris until Baro's death in 1550, after which Douaren returned to teach at Bourges. Like his compatriots Jacques Cujas, François Hotman and Hugues Doneau, Douaren was one of the leading representatives of the legal humanist school of thought within the science of Roman law on the European continent. These 16th century French law professors applied the philological methods of the Italian humanists to legal texts. It was their aim to arrive at a historically more accurate understanding of the texts of the Roman Corpus Iuris Civilis. In addition to numerous commentaries on the Corpus, Douaren wrote a leading commentary on the Roman law of obligations, Commentarius de pactis (1544), which greatly influenced modern theories of obligations. His 1544 programme of studies, De ratione docendi discendique iuris epistola, was the first statement of the mos gallicus, the French Humanist approach to higher education. Its core contents - language studies, introductory classes on the base of the Justinian Code, a methodical approach based on the laws of the Corpus - came to be introduced at most European legal faculties.******