• Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore
  • Another image of MARIANNE MOORE - UNFINISHED POEMS - ROSENBACH FOUNDATION 1972 by Marianne Moore


UNFINISHED POEMS by MARIANNE MOORE. The Rosenbach Foundation, Philadelphia, 1972.

Photocopied pages, plastic spiral bound, 8.5x11 inches, 76 pages printed on one side only. VERY GOOD condition, the front and rear clear plastic covers are age toned and a bit soiled, the inner pages are lightly toned, the photocopied pages have many of the usual early copy machine lines, spots and changes in clarity. Overall a wonderful look at Marianne Moore's unpublished and often incomplete poems.

SCARCE. In 1972, the year Marianne Moore died, the Rosenbach Foundation realized it was necessary to get copyrights for Moore's unpublished poems, none of which were copyrighted at the time. The result, apparently, was this photocopied publication that was put together by the Rosenbach Foundation for the sole purpose of being sent to the Library of Congress for copyright protection.

In 1972 Patricia C. Willis was curator of the Marianne Moore papers at the Rosenbach Foundation. Here is what she wrote in 2015 about this 1972 photocopied collection of "Unpublished Poems" that she assembled for copyright protection (taken from the Internet):

"When as curator of the Moore papers at the Rosenbach I first sorted the poetry manuscripts...I saw that each was typed with Moore's typewriter of the time on the blue stationary that she customarily used for poems she sent to little magazines and most bore her Carlisle return address in the upper left corner. With the permission of her estate, I prepared a photocopy edition of "Unfinished Poems" in order to secure copyrights for her unpublished poems... - Patricia C. Willis, November 16, 2015."

I have no idea how many of these "Unpublished Poems by Marianne Moore" were put together for internal distribution at the Rosenbach, but it is the only copy I have or have ever seen.

************************************** From Wikipedia and various Internet sources:

Marianne Craig Moore, b.1887 d.1972, was an American modernist poet, critic, translator, and editor. Her poetry is noted for formal innovation, precise diction, irony, and wit.

The Rosenbach Foundation's literary collection includes virtually all of the manuscripts and papers of Marianne Moore (1887-1972), as well as her personal library, thousands of photographs, and the contents of her Greenwich village living room, thus making the Rosenbach the undisputed center for the study of Marianne Moore.

Patricia C. Willis is the author and editor of a number of books on Marianne Moore. She worked at the Rosenbach Foundation and later at Yale's Beinecke Library as its Elizabeth Wakeman Dwight Curator of the Collection of American Literature.

Clive E. Driver, whose name is on the copyright page, was the Literary Executor of the Estate of Marianne C. Moore. He worked at the Rosenbach Foundation and has written a number of works published by the Foundation. **************************************

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