Association Copies

  • Category = Association Copies
  • 1693 VITAE PAPARUM AVENIONENSIUM Ecclesiastical History VELLUM Stephanus Baluzius (Étienne Baluze) by Stephanus Baluzius (Étienne Baluze) 1693 VITAE PAPARUM AVENIONENSIUM Ecclesiastical History VELLUM Stephanus Baluzius (Étienne Baluze)
    Stephanus Baluzius (Étienne Baluze)

    VITAE PAPARUM AVENIONENSIUM: Hoc Est HISTORIA PONTIFICUM ROMANORUM Qui in Gallia Sederunt AB Anno Christi MCCCV Usque Ad Annum MCCCXCIV. By STEPHANUS BALUZIUS (Étienne Baluze). TOMUS PRIMUS / TOMI PRIMI (Tome One). VELLUM BOUND Ecclesiastical Papal History. VERY SCARCE 1693 FIRST EDITION. PARISIIS (Paris) : Apud Franciscum Muguet Regis, Cleri Gallicani. MDCXCIII (1693). First Edition. The book was reprinted, most notably in 1916 and 1928. Those later editions can be found, but the 1693 first edition is almost impossible to find outside of a few Rare Book Rooms of Major Universities and National Libraries. Vellum Covers, manuscript titling on the spine, 8" x 10". Pagination: [1 leaf] front free endpaper, [1] title page, [1] blank verso, [4] Epistola, [16] Prefatio,…


    VITAE PAPARUM AVENIONENSIUM: Hoc Est HISTORIA PONTIFICUM ROMANORUM Qui in Gallia Sederunt AB Anno Christi MCCCV Usque Ad Annum MCCCXCIV. By STEPHANUS BALUZIUS (Étienne Baluze). TOMUS PRIMUS / TOMI PRIMI (Tome One). VELLUM BOUND Ecclesiastical Papal History. VERY SCARCE 1693 FIRST EDITION. PARISIIS (Paris) : Apud Franciscum Muguet Regis, Cleri Gallicani. MDCXCIII (1693). First Edition. The book was reprinted, most notably in 1916 and 1928. Those later editions can be found, but the 1693 first edition is almost impossible to find outside of a few Rare Book Rooms of Major Universities and National Libraries. Vellum Covers, manuscript titling on the spine, 8" x 10". Pagination: [1 leaf] front free endpaper, [1] title page, [1] blank verso, [4] Epistola, [16] Prefatio, [1] blank, [1] PLATE of PAPAL COINAGE, 1,478 numbered columns / 739 pages (text pages numbered by column only, two columns per page), [30] Index and Errata. Collated page for page with the 1693 First Edition Copy in the Rare Book Holdings of the Montserrat Abbey Library. That copy was digitized in 2011. There is a label size bookplate of Jacobi Manzoni at the upper corner of the front pastedown.

    Jacobi Manzoni / Giacomo Manzoni, was an important Italian book collector. Manzoni was born in 1816 in Lugo, Romagna, into an aristocratic family. He was involved in many aspects of Italian life, but his main pursuit, which he began at a very early age, was collecting books and manuscripts. At the time of his death in 1889, he left a library of approximately 25,000 rare and highly valued volumes. This is one of those volumes. Condition: The Vellum Covers have yellowed and toned, the spine has substantially darkened, there is some peeling and cracking to the covers' edges and 2" of splitting at the top and bottom of the spine folds, the edges and spine ends are shelf worn and rubbed through at places, nonetheless the covers are solid, doing their job well, and attractive in a Harry Potter's Hogwarts Library way. There is a bit of writing on the endpapers, a small bookplate to the front pastedown (as noted above) and a small label with numbers to the rear pastedown;

    the front free endpaper is creased, the title page has some edge wear and small edge chips, there is light toning and foxing throughout, overall the inner pages are very nice - tight, bright, clean, and unmarked.

    View cart More details Price: $1,100.00
  • 1726 GERMAN PHILOSOPHICAL LEXICON First Edition SIGNED by J. F. CLASSEN Important Association Copy in Vellum Covers by Johann Georg Walch 1726 GERMAN PHILOSOPHICAL LEXICON First Edition SIGNED by J. F. CLASSEN Important Association Copy in Vellum Covers
    Johann Georg Walch

    PHILOSOPHISCHES LEXICON: Darinnen Die in allen Theilen der Philosophie, als Logic, Metaphysic, Physic, Pneumatic, Ethic, natu?rlichen Theologie... by Johann Georg Walch.

    LEIPZIG: Verlegts Joh. Friedrich Gleditschens seel. Sohn, 1726. FIRST EDITION.

    Vellum Covers, spine tooled in gilt, all edges stained red, [21], 3048 (columns), [90] pp., frontispiece portrait of Walch plus engraved initials and headpiece in the Introduction, 5.5x8.5 inches (14x21.5cm).

    The first major philosophical dictionary in German, with words from "Abend" to "Zwietracht".

    SIGNED and DATED by JOHAN FREDERIK CLASSEN (aka J. F. Classen), with his SIGNATURE and the date 1753 at the bottom corner of the front free endpaper.

    GOOD PLUS Condition: Soiling and light wear to the vellum covers, spine gilt somewhat faded; inner pages age toned…


    PHILOSOPHISCHES LEXICON: Darinnen Die in allen Theilen der Philosophie, als Logic, Metaphysic, Physic, Pneumatic, Ethic, natu?rlichen Theologie... by Johann Georg Walch.

    LEIPZIG: Verlegts Joh. Friedrich Gleditschens seel. Sohn, 1726. FIRST EDITION.

    Vellum Covers, spine tooled in gilt, all edges stained red, [21], 3048 (columns), [90] pp., frontispiece portrait of Walch plus engraved initials and headpiece in the Introduction, 5.5x8.5 inches (14x21.5cm).

    The first major philosophical dictionary in German, with words from "Abend" to "Zwietracht".

    SIGNED and DATED by JOHAN FREDERIK CLASSEN (aka J. F. Classen), with his SIGNATURE and the date 1753 at the bottom corner of the front free endpaper.

    GOOD PLUS Condition: Soiling and light wear to the vellum covers, spine gilt somewhat faded; inner pages age toned with scattered faint marginal soiling and foxing, text largely unaffected. Overall a complete, fully legible, and amazingly solid copy of this 1726 philosophical dictionary / lexicon.

    RARE 1726 FIRST EDITION and an IMPORTANT ASSOCIATION COPY with the Signature of J. F. Classen. Books with the stamp and marks of the Classen library that was built after his death are not uncommon, but books with his actual signature are rarely seen.

    About JOHAN FREDERIK CLASSEN (from Wikipedia):

    ******Johan Frederik Classen, frequently known simply as J. F. Classen, b.1725 d.1792, was a Danish-Norwegian industrialist, major general, landowner and founder of Det Classenske Fideicommis. He served as chancellery adviser to King Frederik V.

    A patron of literature, Classen bought books at home and abroad until he had amassed a large library. In his will Classen left all his assets and possessions to a charitable foundation, Det Classenske Fideicommis. It was to be used "to educate good people...and to help to alleviate poverty and misery." The fund still has considerable assets.

    The Classen Library (Danish: Det Classenske Bibliotek) in Amaliegade in Copenhagen was built at the time of Classen's death in 1792 to house his extensive library of some 20,000 volumes. It was a public library in Copenhagen, Denmark, the third largest library in the city, surpassed only by the Royal Danish Library and Copenhagen University Library. It existed until 1867 when it was merged with the Copenhagen University Library.****** (Read much more about J. F. Classen on his Wikipedia page.)

    INTERNATIONAL BUYERS PLEASE NOTE: This book is heavy and will require additional shipping charges. After placing your order you will be notified of the additional charges and be able to accept or reject them before your payment is processed. Or you can contact us ahead of time to find out the shipping charge to your country. Thanks.

    View cart More details Price: $900.00
  • 1751 GERMAN SCIENCE JOURNAL 6 Issues in 1 Volume IMPORTANT ASSOCIATION COPY of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach 1751 GERMAN SCIENCE JOURNAL 6 Issues in 1 Volume IMPORTANT ASSOCIATION COPY of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach

    Hamburgisches Magazin, oder gesammlete Schriften zum Unterricht und Vergnügen aus der Naturforschung und den angenehmen Wissenschaften überhaupt. Achtes Bandes (Volume 8).

    Published by Georg Christian Grund and Adam Heinrich Holle, Hamburg and Leipzig, Germany, 1751.

    Six issues bound in one volume, hardcovers, leather covered boards, gilt coat-of-arms embossed on the front and rear covers, six spine bands, gilt decorations on spine, marbled page edges, marbled endpapers, 12 mo., 4.5x7 inches (10.5x18 cm), 658 + [14] pages. Illustrated with one folding plate, engravings on the title page of each issue, and tail pieces.

    The Hamburgisches Magazin was a scientific journal containing essays, letters to the editor, etc., on the natural and physical sciences, often highlighting work from foreign scientists translated into…


    Hamburgisches Magazin, oder gesammlete Schriften zum Unterricht und Vergnügen aus der Naturforschung und den angenehmen Wissenschaften überhaupt. Achtes Bandes (Volume 8).

    Published by Georg Christian Grund and Adam Heinrich Holle, Hamburg and Leipzig, Germany, 1751.

    Six issues bound in one volume, hardcovers, leather covered boards, gilt coat-of-arms embossed on the front and rear covers, six spine bands, gilt decorations on spine, marbled page edges, marbled endpapers, 12 mo., 4.5x7 inches (10.5x18 cm), 658 + [14] pages. Illustrated with one folding plate, engravings on the title page of each issue, and tail pieces.

    The Hamburgisches Magazin was a scientific journal containing essays, letters to the editor, etc., on the natural and physical sciences, often highlighting work from foreign scientists translated into German.

    GREAT ASSOCIATION COPY. There is an OWNERSHIP BOOKPLATE of JOHANN FRIEDRICH BLUMENBACH, b.1752 d. 1840, on the front pastedown. Blumenbach was one of Germany's most important and influential early anthropologists. The bookplate has his PRINTED SIGNATURE on its face. I feel the Signature is PRINTED even though others claim it is HAND SIGNED / AUTOGRAPH. The two copies I found online, one held by a noted HISTORY OF SCIENCE bookseller and another held by the important Herzog August Bibliothek (Herzog August Library), claim that the signature on Blumenbach's bookplates is HAND SIGNED. However, the signatures on both the examples presented online, and mine, are EXACT in even the minutest details, and convince me that this is a printed signature. I have seen his signature on documents in the past and, like all signatures, they all had noticeable, even if sometimes small, deviations. These three examples have none that I can detect. A RARE BOOKPLATE and IMPORTANT ASSOCIATION COPY.

    GOOD MINUS CONDITION: The front cover is detached but present, the rear cover is just holding on with the cord bindings, the leather spine title labels are missing and the spine gilt has substantially worn off, the leather covered boards are rubbed and scraped, the gilt coat-of-arms on the front and rear covers is bright but scratched and rubbed; the marbling on the top edges has faded away but is visible on the front and bottom page edges; internally, there is light browning and spotting throughout but the text is always clear and fully legible, overall the pages remain tightly bound, clean and unmarked. A complete, presentable copy with a detached front cover.

    This publication is often found disbound with the various articles sold separately. It is hard to find a complete volume (i.e. 6 bound issues).

    RARE with the ownership bookplate of the great natural scientist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach.

    About JOHANN FRIEDRICH BLUMENBACH (from Wikipedia):

    ******Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, b.1752 d.1840, was a German physician, naturalist, physiologist, and anthropologist. He is considered to be a main founder of zoology and anthropology as comparative, scientific disciplines. He was also important as a race theorist.

    He was one of the first to explore the study of the human being as an aspect of natural history. His teachings in comparative anatomy were applied to his classification of human races, of which he claimed there were five, Caucasian, Mongolian, Malayan, Ethiopian, and American. He was a member of what modern historians call the Göttingen School of History.

    Blumenbach's contemporaries considered him one of the great theorists of his day and a leading light of German science. Kant and Friedrich Schelling both called him "one of the most profound biological theorists of the modern era". In the words of science historian Peter Watson, "roughly half the German biologists during the early nineteenth century studied under him or were greatly influenced by him".******

    View cart More details Price: $250.00
    Georgii Buchanani Scoti, George Buchanan

    Georgii Buchanani Scoti, POETARUM SUI SECULI FACILE PRINCIPIS, Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis Poetica. Ad Optimam Editionem Thomae Ruddimani, A.M. Summo Studio Recognita et Castigata. Praemissa Est Accuratior Quam Antehac Carminum Explicatio. EDINBURGH : Excudebat C. Stewart, Academiae Typographus, Apud Mondell, Doig & Stevenson, 1807. Small Format Hardcover Book, leather covered boards that are DETACHED but present, 3.5x5.5 inches, xiv + 234 pages, plus 2 pages of Publisher's ads at the rear. In LATIN. The book is a POETIC LATIN REPHRASING / PARAPHRASING of the PSALMS by the great SCOTTISH Latin Scholar and Poet GEORGE BUCHANAN. ASSOCIATION COPY. The book has two interesting associations: (1) There is a signature on the title page of (?) BRAZER DAVIS. The question mark is because…


    Georgii Buchanani Scoti, POETARUM SUI SECULI FACILE PRINCIPIS, Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis Poetica. Ad Optimam Editionem Thomae Ruddimani, A.M. Summo Studio Recognita et Castigata. Praemissa Est Accuratior Quam Antehac Carminum Explicatio. EDINBURGH : Excudebat C. Stewart, Academiae Typographus, Apud Mondell, Doig & Stevenson, 1807. Small Format Hardcover Book, leather covered boards that are DETACHED but present, 3.5x5.5 inches, xiv + 234 pages, plus 2 pages of Publisher's ads at the rear. In LATIN. The book is a POETIC LATIN REPHRASING / PARAPHRASING of the PSALMS by the great SCOTTISH Latin Scholar and Poet GEORGE BUCHANAN. ASSOCIATION COPY. The book has two interesting associations: (1) There is a signature on the title page of (?) BRAZER DAVIS. The question mark is because I cannot make out the first word, perhaps it is a first name or a military rank? There is a lot of historical information about a John Brazer Davis, also known as Colonel John Brazer Davis, an early American military man who is even mentioned several times in the memoirs of John Adams. Is this him? I do not know because, though Brazer Davis is written neatly and clearly, the word or title preceding Brazer Davis does not look like John or like Colonel, nor does it look like anything that I can figure out. (2) The book was deaccessioned from the Tufts College Library, and there is a printed signed note laid in that states the book was a gift of REV. CONVERS FRANCIS of CAMBRIDGE and was donated by him in 1861. The slip has his signature. Looking into both Convers Francis and John Brazer Davis one finds that they are often mentioned as being in the same fraternities and organizations at the same time, which is interesting. I HAVE PROVIDED IMAGES of the SIGNATURE THAT IS ON THE TITLE PAGE and of the laid in DONATION SLIP so that you can determine for yourself if the associations hold water or not. You can find information about both John Brazer Davis and Rev. Convers Francis on the Internet. CONDITION: Disbound Covers, as noted above; there are some library markings, including withdrawn stamps, here and there; there are relevant handwritten pencil notes in the margins and among the text, most are light and hard to read; there is offsetting to the margins of the first and last few pages; the first few pages have some water staining to the bottom margin; overall the inner pages are complete, remain nicely bound together, and have printing that is bright and clear. A very suitable copy for rebinding, should you desire to do so. About the author GEORGE BUCHANAN (from Wikipedia): ****** George Buchanan, b. 1506 d. 1582, was a Scottish historian and humanist scholar. According to historian Keith Brown, Buchanan was "the most profound intellectual sixteenth century Scotland produced." His ideology of resistance to royal usurpation gained widespread acceptance during the Scottish Reformation. Brown says the ease with which King James VII was deposed in 1689 shows the power of Buchanan's ideas. For mastery of the Latin language, Buchanan has seldom been surpassed by any modern writer. His style is not rigidly modelled on that of any classical author, but has a freshness and elasticity of its own. Hugh Trevor-Roper called him "by universal consent, the greatest Latin writer, whether in prose or in verse, in sixteenth century Europe". He wrote Latin as if it were his mother tongue. Buchanan also had a rich vein of poetical feeling, and much originality of thought. His translations of the Psalms and of the Greek plays are more than mere versions; his two tragedies, Baptistes and Jephthes, enjoyed a European reputation for academic excellence. His Pompae verses were written for performance at the court entertainments of Mary, including the Offering of the Rustic Gods sung during a masque devised by Bastian Pagez for the baptism of King James.******

    View cart More details Price: $65.00
  • 1827 4 Vol Set THOMAS CARLYLE GERMAN ROMANCE Goethe, Richter - From the CARLYLE COLLECTION of Dr. Samuel A. Jones by THOMAS CARLYLE, Goethe, Richter, Schiller 1827 4 Vol Set THOMAS CARLYLE GERMAN ROMANCE Goethe, Richter - From the CARLYLE COLLECTION of Dr. Samuel A. Jones
    THOMAS CARLYLE, Goethe, Richter, Schiller

    GERMAN ROMANCE: Specimens of Its Chief Authors; with Biographical and Critical Notices by the Translator of Wilhelm Meister and the Author of The Life of Schiller (i.e. THOMAS CARLYLE). FOUR VOLUMES (Complete in These 4 Volumes). Edinburgh: William Tait, Prince's Street, and London: Charles Tait, Fleet Street, MDCCCXXVII (1827). FIRST EDITION. Original hardcovers, gray paper covered boards, brown paper covered spines, printed title information on spines, 5" x 8", 337, 317, 309 and 352 pages respectively.

    Each Volume is complete with a half title and engraved title page. Early Thomas Carlyle book appearance, this was only his fourth work in book form. Carlyle greatly admired German writers and was instrumental in introducing them to the England through this, his 4…


    GERMAN ROMANCE: Specimens of Its Chief Authors; with Biographical and Critical Notices by the Translator of Wilhelm Meister and the Author of The Life of Schiller (i.e. THOMAS CARLYLE). FOUR VOLUMES (Complete in These 4 Volumes). Edinburgh: William Tait, Prince's Street, and London: Charles Tait, Fleet Street, MDCCCXXVII (1827). FIRST EDITION. Original hardcovers, gray paper covered boards, brown paper covered spines, printed title information on spines, 5" x 8", 337, 317, 309 and 352 pages respectively.

    Each Volume is complete with a half title and engraved title page. Early Thomas Carlyle book appearance, this was only his fourth work in book form. Carlyle greatly admired German writers and was instrumental in introducing them to the England through this, his 4 volume set of books. The four volumes are: Vol. I: Musaeus and Fouqué; Vol II: Tieck and Hoffman; Vol. III: Richter; and Vol. IV: Goethe (this 4 volume set is most renowned for this volume entirely on Goethe). All four Volumes were previously part of the CARLYLE COLLECTION of DR. SAMUEL A. JONES, with a decorative rubber stamp that states "CARLYLE COLLECTION

    / SAM'L A JONES" on the

    front free endpaper of each volume, and a second such stamp on the front pastedown of the first volume. In addition, each volume is hand numbered according to its place in the collection.

    The volumes are hand numbered 20, 21, 22 and 23, respectively. Dr. Samuel A. Jones was renowned collector of Thomas Carlyle. His entire collection was catalogued by the University of Michigan in 1919. The association gives this set a rather wonderful provenance. CONDITION: Volume I has a disbound front cover and is missing its spine covering. The spine covering of Volume II is almost completely chipped away, the spine coverings of Volumes III and IV are chipped, rubbed and worn, with the spine lettering only partially legible.

    The covers of all 4 Volumes are worn at the edges, with most edges worn through, and the paper starting to peel away at a number of places. Volume I has a clipping from an old bookseller's catalogue pasted to the front pastedown. The clipping lists a similar set of Carlyle books for 1 pound 5 shillings. The bookseller was Alfred Russell Smith (Soho, London). Internally, there is foxing, offsetting, some spotting and some shorelining, mainly to the first and last few pages of each Volume, otherwise the inner pages are pretty nice - complete, tight, bright, clean and unmarked. SCARCE FIRST EDITION SET OF THIS IMPORTANT THOMAS CARLYLE WORK with a WONDERFUL ASSOCIATION to one of the most notable COLLECTOR'S OF CARLYLE.

    View cart More details Price: $350.00

    ORIGINE des PROVERBES EXPLICATIONS CURIEUSES et INSTRUCTIVES de L'ORIGINE des PHRASES PROVERBIALES qui sont USITÉES de NOS JOURS, par M. C. BOURDONNÉ, Professeur de Langue Française. (ORIGIN of PROVERBS CURIOUS and INSTRUCTIVE; Explanations of the ORIGIN of the PROVERBIAL PHRASES which are USED TODAY, by M. C. BOURDONNÉ, Professor of French Language.) PARIS: Garnier Libraire, 1829. First Edition. TEXT IN FRENCH. Small Format Book in Custom Leather Binding, gilt top edges, 32mo, 2.5x4 inches, [4], iv, [4], 116 pages. Pagination as follows: blank leaf; half title page, printer information on verso; title page, blank verso; I-IV; Errata page, blank verso; ad for author's previous book, blank verso; 1-116 (text and index); blank leaf. This volume is from the library of…


    ORIGINE des PROVERBES EXPLICATIONS CURIEUSES et INSTRUCTIVES de L'ORIGINE des PHRASES PROVERBIALES qui sont USITÉES de NOS JOURS, par M. C. BOURDONNÉ, Professeur de Langue Française. (ORIGIN of PROVERBS CURIOUS and INSTRUCTIVE; Explanations of the ORIGIN of the PROVERBIAL PHRASES which are USED TODAY, by M. C. BOURDONNÉ, Professor of French Language.) PARIS: Garnier Libraire, 1829. First Edition. TEXT IN FRENCH. Small Format Book in Custom Leather Binding, gilt top edges, 32mo, 2.5x4 inches, [4], iv, [4], 116 pages. Pagination as follows: blank leaf; half title page, printer information on verso; title page, blank verso; I-IV; Errata page, blank verso; ad for author's previous book, blank verso; 1-116 (text and index); blank leaf. This volume is from the library of SIR WILLIAM STIRLING-MAXWELL (b. 1818 d. 1878) 9th Baronet KT of Pollok, a historian, politician, and a renowned collector of books on proverbs. This book has his bookplate on the front pastedown and the bookplate of his Keir Collection of Books on Proverbs on the rear pastedown. This book is described by Stirling-Maxwell on page 10 of the book he wrote titled "An essay towards a collection of books relating to proverbs, emblems, apophthegms, epitaphs and ana, being a catalogue of those at Keir" (privately printed 1860). This book was Custom Bound for Sir William Stirling Maxwell by Maclehose, Glasgow. The binder's name is printed at the top of the front pastedown. This custom binding has Stirling's coat of arms and motto blind embossed on the front cover, and his monogram on the rear cover. A little research shows that William Stirling Maxwell used many different coats of arms and monograms on his bookplates and books over time. CONDITION: THE FRONT COVER IS DETACHED (i.e. laid on loosely), the covers are worn at the folds, corners and edges, the rear hinge is split but the rear cover is holding by the sewn binding; internally, there is foxing throughout but the pages and printing remain bright and clear; there is wear and roughness to some of the bottom page edges, possibly from being cut open roughly, not affecting text, there is a small silver bookstore label of LILLIPUT BOOKS / TOKYO on the rear pastedown with a price of 84,000 yen, equal to $758 as I type this (Lilliput Books, Tokyo, was the first bookstore in the world dedicated exclusively to miniature books, it closed in 2015). Overall, a quite nice copy with a detached front cover. RARE BOOK (WorldCat shows only one copy of this title, and that copy is held at

    the Bibliothèque Nationale de France / the National Library of France), made ESPECIALLY RARE with the CUSTOM BINDING and BOOKPLATES of the proverb collector WILLIAM STIRLING MAXWELL. About William Stirling Maxwell (from Wikipedia): ******Sir William Stirling-Maxwell, 9th Baronet KT, of Pollok (8 March 1818 - 15 January 1878), was a Scottish historical writer and art historian, politician, and virtuoso. UNTIL 1865 HE WAS KNOWN AS WILLIAM STIRLING, and several of his books were published under that name. He was Chancellor of the University of Glasgow from 1875 until his death and was also a Knight of the Thistle, considered the highest honour which can be conferred by the Crown on a Scotsman.******

    View cart More details Price: $165.00
  • 1869 FILTRATION OF RIVER WATERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF CITIES w/ 30 PLATES Copy of HIRAM BISSELL who Oversaw Construction of the HARTFORD WATER SYSTEM - SIGNED plus laid-in Handwritten Letter by James P. Kirkwood [Hiram Bissell] 1869 FILTRATION OF RIVER WATERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF CITIES w/ 30 PLATES Copy of HIRAM BISSELL who Oversaw Construction of the HARTFORD WATER SYSTEM - SIGNED plus laid-in Handwritten Letter
    James P. Kirkwood [Hiram Bissell]

    1869 FILTRATION OF RIVER WATERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF CITIES AS PRACTISED IN EUROPE, by James P. Kirkwood. Published by D. Van Nostrand, Publishers, New York, 1869. First Edition.


    The book is SIGNED by Hiram Bissell at the top of the title page: "Hiram Bissell / Hartford, Conn." Also, laid-in the book is a MANUSCRIPT LETTER by Hiram Bissell on "Office of Water Commissioners" letterhead. The letter reads in part:

    "Hartford Jany 28 1856 / To the Mayor Aldermen, and County of Common Council of The City of Hartford / The Water Commissioners...recommend to…


    1869 FILTRATION OF RIVER WATERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF CITIES AS PRACTISED IN EUROPE, by James P. Kirkwood. Published by D. Van Nostrand, Publishers, New York, 1869. First Edition.


    The book is SIGNED by Hiram Bissell at the top of the title page: "Hiram Bissell / Hartford, Conn." Also, laid-in the book is a MANUSCRIPT LETTER by Hiram Bissell on "Office of Water Commissioners" letterhead. The letter reads in part:

    "Hartford Jany 28 1856 / To the Mayor Aldermen, and County of Common Council of The City of Hartford / The Water Commissioners...recommend to the Hon. Court of Common Council the payment of The Woodruff & Beach Iron Works bill of extras...$3851.57. / Respectfully Submitted / Hiram Bissell / President Pro Tem".

    (Woodruff & Beach Iron Works of Hartford built many items for Hartford Water Works, including some massive iron pumps.)

    Hardcover book, 9x11.5 inches, 178 pages of text followed by 30 PLATES, many double-page, one in color. The plates are drawings of a variety of European city water works systems, including: London, Liverpool, Dublin, Hamburg, Berlin, Marselles, Lyons, Genoa, and others.

    Condition: The covers are disbound (loose but present), the cloth spine edges and spine ends are scraped and chipped, nonetheless the covers are original. Internally nice, the endpapers have a few small scrapes, the pages are lightly toned, there is some foxing to the plates mainly on their blank backsides, overall the pages are complete, tight, bright, clean and unmarked. A nice, complete copy in disbound but present covers.

    RARE TRUE 1869 FIRST EDITION with all the PLATES. Unique with the SIGNATURE and LETTER of HIRAM BISSELL, who oversaw the construction of Hartford's Water Works in the mid 1800s.

    An important book that may have been partly responsible for the design of Hartford's water system

    About HIRAM BISSELL of HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT (from "Water for Hartford: The Story of the Hartford Water Works", published by the Wesleyan Press, 2010).

    ******HOW THREE MEN BROUGHT CLEAN WATER TO HARTFORD, ON A MASSIVE SCALE. As good health is inextricably wedded to pure drinking water, understanding delivery systems is almost as important as the water itself. Water for Hartford chronicles the century-long effort, beginning in the 1850s, to construct a viable, efficient water system. The story of Hartford's water works is a fascinating one, for it recalls the hard work, great sacrifice, and extraordinary engineering feats necessary to deliver wholesome drinking water to a growing urban center.

    The story of its construction is the story of three men - HIRAM BISSELL, Ezra Clark, and Caleb Saville. Readers are transported back in time and given a firsthand glimpse of what these champions of a water system faced on a daily basis: unforgiving geography, venal politicians, and an often indifferent public. The book culminates in the exhilaration of these men having built a water works from scratch to deliver clean, safe drinking water to the masses. These men understood that their decisions and actions would affect millions of people for decades to come.******

    About HIRAM BISSELL and the HARTFORD WATER WORKS SYSTEM (from the Commemorative Biographical Record of Hartford County, Connecticut, published 1901):

    ******Hiram Bissell, b.1819 d.1888, was elected Water Commissioner in 1854 and, in 1856, was made President, in which capacity he served for seventeen years, retiring in 1873. He oversaw the entire system of Hartford's system of water works.******

    INTERNATIONAL BUYERS PLEASE NOTE: This book will require additional shipping charges. After placing your order you will be notified of the charges and be able to accept or reject them before payment is taken. Thanks!

    View cart More details Price: $400.00


    WASHINGTON: Government Printing Office, 1893. First edition.

    Important Association Copy:

    Copy of HENRY N. CASTLE, with his SIGNATURE on the title-page. Henry N. Castle was an important figure in the overthrow of Queen Lilinokalani and the formation of the New Republic of Hawaii. He was owner of The Honolulu Advertiser, the oldest and most influential paper in Hawaii. HIS BROTHER WILLIAM R. CASTLE was a WRITER and SIGNER of the 1893 DRAFT ANNEXATION TREATY. He is referenced in a number of places in this book

    In 1895 while returning to Hawaii to support the Islands' revolutionaries he and his four year-old daughter were on the ship…



    WASHINGTON: Government Printing Office, 1893. First edition.

    Important Association Copy:

    Copy of HENRY N. CASTLE, with his SIGNATURE on the title-page. Henry N. Castle was an important figure in the overthrow of Queen Lilinokalani and the formation of the New Republic of Hawaii. He was owner of The Honolulu Advertiser, the oldest and most influential paper in Hawaii. HIS BROTHER WILLIAM R. CASTLE was a WRITER and SIGNER of the 1893 DRAFT ANNEXATION TREATY. He is referenced in a number of places in this book

    In 1895 while returning to Hawaii to support the Islands' revolutionaries he and his four year-old daughter were on the ship Elbe which crashed and sank. They both drowned. His wife and infant daughter, Elinor, were not on the ship.

    Subsequent to the death of Henry N. Castle, his wife, MABEL WING CASTLE, SIGNED and INSCRIBED this book to his daughter, ELINOR CASTLE NEF. The book is inscribed on the front free-endpaper: "To Elinor Castle Nef / Henry Castle's daughter / M.W.C. [Mabel Wing Castle]".

    Subsequent to that the book was donated to the University of Chicago by Elinor Castle Nef and her husband John U. Nef. There is a University of Chicago bookplate on the front pastedown with the following printed information: "FROM the LIBRARY of / ELINOR CASTLE NEF / and / JOHN U. NEF".

    Also, on the verso of the title page, is the printed statement: "Gift of / John U. Nef".

    Hardcover book, leather spine and corners with marbled paper covered boards, 6x9 inches, 69 and 192 pages. There is a bookbinder's label at the bottom the front pastedown: " Haw'n Gazette Co. / Publishers, Printers and Binders / Honolulu, H.I."

    Contains two important Senate reports from the 52nd Congress, 2nd Session, relating to the Annexation of Hawaii.

    The first report is subtitled: "A treaty of annexation concluded on the 14th day of February 1893, between the United States and the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands". Dated February 15, 1893. 69 pages.

    The report begins: "To the Senate / I transmit, herewith, with a view to its ratification, a treaty of annexation concluded on the 14th day of February, 1893, between Hon. John W. Foster, Secretary of State...and Lorrin A. Thurston, W. R. CASTLE, W. C. Wilder, C. L. Carter, and Joseph Marsden, the commissioners on part of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands." The introductory remarks are followed by the FULL DRAFT ANNEXATION TREATY.

    The second report is subtitled: "Correspondence respecting relations between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands from September, 1820 to January, 1893". Dated February 17, 1893. 192 pages.

    Condition: The covers are well-worn, the front and rear boards are disbound (i.e. laid on loosely), worn through at the corners and edges, scraped, and the leather is chipping and peeling at places; the spine covering is chipped at the ends, scraped, and has a horizontal split; nonetheless the covers and spine covering are present and bright, and certainly worthy of rebacking / repair. EX-LIBRARY, deaccessioned from the University of Chicago Library (which holds the archives of Henry N. Castle), with a library bookplate on the front pastedown (as noted above) and a library stamp on the verso of the title page, both over-stamped WITHDRAWN; the front free endpaper (with the presentation inscription from Mrs. Castle to Elinor Castle Nef) is split for 3 inches at its gutter edge and is very tender but holding; the second report has margin marks and a bit of underlining here and there throughout noting passages, perhaps made by Henry N. Castle; the pages are lightly age toned, there is some edge wear here and there, overall the inner pages remain bright, clean, clear and fully legible. A complete copy deserving of rebinding.

    Read about HENRY NORTHRUP CASELE and WILLIAM RICHARDS CASTLE at various places on the Internet.

    View cart More details Price: $1,600.00
  • 1920 GEORGE STERLING **SIGNED & INSCRIBED** ROSAMUND Association Copy Inscribed to the English Female Sculptor and Adventuress CLARE SHERIDAN Limited First Edition #188 of 500 by George Sterling 1920 GEORGE STERLING **SIGNED & INSCRIBED** ROSAMUND Association Copy Inscribed to the English Female Sculptor and Adventuress CLARE SHERIDAN Limited First Edition #188 of 500
    George Sterling


    Published by A. M. Robertson, San Francisco, 1920. First edition, first printing, with the date 1920 on both the title page and copyright page with no indication of additional printings.

    Limited Edition of only 500 copies, this being hand numbered copy 188, as shown on the limitation page (the last page).

    Softcovers, 5.5x8.5 inches, 120 pages.

    SIGNED, INSCRIBED and DATED by GEORGE STERLING to CLARE SHERIDAN on the front free endpaper: "For Clare Sheridan, This melodrama of another 'golden lily,' without apologies for her conduct. George Sterling. San Francisco, Oct. 11th, 1921."

    Clare Consuelo Sheridan (née Frewen) b.1885 d.1970, was an English sculptor, journalist and writer known primarily for creating busts of…



    Published by A. M. Robertson, San Francisco, 1920. First edition, first printing, with the date 1920 on both the title page and copyright page with no indication of additional printings.

    Limited Edition of only 500 copies, this being hand numbered copy 188, as shown on the limitation page (the last page).

    Softcovers, 5.5x8.5 inches, 120 pages.

    SIGNED, INSCRIBED and DATED by GEORGE STERLING to CLARE SHERIDAN on the front free endpaper: "For Clare Sheridan, This melodrama of another 'golden lily,' without apologies for her conduct. George Sterling. San Francisco, Oct. 11th, 1921."

    Clare Consuelo Sheridan (née Frewen) b.1885 d.1970, was an English sculptor, journalist and writer known primarily for creating busts of the famous (including her cousin Winston Churchill) and writing diaries recounting her worldly travels. She enjoyed travelling around the world; and among her circle of friends were Princess Margaret of Sweden, Lord and Lady Mountbatten, Lady Diana Cooper, Vita Sackville-West and Vivien Leigh. She led an adventurous life. Please read all about her on her Wikipedia page.

    GOOD MINUS condition: The covers are worn at the corners and edges, the spine covering is missing its top 1 inch, has some scrapes, and is splitting at the bottom rear fold for about 2 inches, the front cover has a stiff and tender crease where it was attached to the front free endpaper, nonetheless these original covers are still holding and doing their job; there is a crease to the upper front corner of the book leaving a crease at that corner of the covers and inner pages; internally the staples binding the text block are rusting, the pages are tight, bright, clean and clear. A used copy that remains solid and presentable.

    A wonderful Signed and Inscribed copy with a great Association to an impressive English woman.

    About George Sterling (from Wikipedia):

    ******George Sterling, b.1869 d.1926, was an American writer based in the San Francisco, California Bay Area and Carmel by the Sea. He was considered a prominent poet and playwright and proponent of Bohemianism during the first quarter of the twentieth century. His work was admired by writers as diverse as Jack London, Upton Sinclair, Theodore Dreiser, and Sinclair Lewis.

    In 1905 Sterling moved to Carmel by the Sea, California, an undeveloped coastal area, and soon established a settlement for like minded Bohemian writers. Carmel had been discovered by Charles Warren Stoddard and others, but Sterling made it world famous.

    Sterling joined the Bohemian Club and acted in their theatrical productions each summer at the Bohemian Grove. For the Grove play of 1907 the Club presented Sterling's "The Triumph of Bohemia".

    Sterling carried a vial of cyanide for many years. In November 1926, Sterling used it while at his residence at the San Francisco Bohemian Club. Kevin Starr wrote that "When George Sterling's corpse was discovered in his room at the Bohemian Club... the golden age of San Francisco's bohemia had definitely come to a miserable end."******

    View cart More details Price: $250.00
  • 1924 Die Insel der Grossen Mutter / Island of the Great Mother ASSOCIATION COPY with SIDNEY H. SIME BOOKPLATE by Gerhart Hauptmann 1924 Die Insel der Grossen Mutter / Island of the Great Mother ASSOCIATION COPY with SIDNEY H. SIME BOOKPLATE
    Gerhart Hauptmann

    Die Insel der Grossen Mutter oder Das Wunder Von Ile Des Dames : Eine Geschichte aus dem Utopischen Archipelagus (The island of the Great Mother or The Miracle of the Island of Women : A Story from the Utopian Archipelago), by Gerhart Hauptmann. BERLIN: S. Fischer Verlag, 1924. Erste bis Funfundzwanzigste Auflage (First to Twenty-Fifth Printing). GERMAN BOOK, TEXT IN GERMAN. Hardcover Book in Dustjacket, beautifully illustrated paper covered boards, 4.5x7.5 inches, 373 pages. BOOKPLATE by the artist SIDNEY SIME is on the front pastedown. The bookplate has the printed name of MONTGOMERY EVANS II, a Pennsylvania aristocrat who was friends with many literary figures, including Lord Dunsany A quite lovely and rare bookplate. Sidney Herbert Sime (b. 1867 d.…


    Die Insel der Grossen Mutter oder Das Wunder Von Ile Des Dames : Eine Geschichte aus dem Utopischen Archipelagus (The island of the Great Mother or The Miracle of the Island of Women : A Story from the Utopian Archipelago), by Gerhart Hauptmann. BERLIN: S. Fischer Verlag, 1924. Erste bis Funfundzwanzigste Auflage (First to Twenty-Fifth Printing). GERMAN BOOK, TEXT IN GERMAN. Hardcover Book in Dustjacket, beautifully illustrated paper covered boards, 4.5x7.5 inches, 373 pages. BOOKPLATE by the artist SIDNEY SIME is on the front pastedown. The bookplate has the printed name of MONTGOMERY EVANS II, a Pennsylvania aristocrat who was friends with many literary figures, including Lord Dunsany A quite lovely and rare bookplate. Sidney Herbert Sime (b. 1867 d. 1941, often S. H. Sime) was an English artist in the late Victorian and succeeding periods, mostly remembered for his fantastic and satirical artwork, especially his story illustrations for Irish author Lord Dunsany. The bookplate is printed with the name MONTGOMERY EVANS II, a Pennsylvania aristocrat who was friends with many literary figures, including Lord Dunsany. Montgomery Evans II was born on March 12, 1901 in Norristown, Pennsylvania to a wealthy lawyer and banker. Evans was an aspiring writer and aristocrat formed many friendships with literary figures of the 1920s. He was friends with Hunter Stagg, an editor of the Southern literary magazine, The Reviewer. It was through him that Evans was able to network and associate with literary figures such as Augustus John, Arthur Machen, Lord Dunsany, Walter de la Mare, and Aleister Crowley. Evans and Stagg went on a European tour in 1924 during which he spent time with Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, Sylvia Pankhurst, and Sylvia Beach. He died in 1954 from a head fracture due to a fall when he was drunk. CONDITION: VERY GOOD book, minor chipping to the bottom of the spine, toning to the covers edges, otherwise tight, bright, clean and unmarked. In a POOR dustjacket that is almost completely split along all its folds (a light tug and it will be split into several tugs), has several long closed tears, and s chipped along the edges and folds; nonetheless this original dustjacket is very scarce in any condition. Scarce Edition in a Scarce Dustjacket with a Scarce Bookplate and a Scarce Association.

    View cart More details Price: $75.00
  • 1928 Christopher Isherwood ALL THE CONSPIRATORS First Edition ASSOCIATION COPY? by Christopher Isherwood 1928 Christopher Isherwood ALL THE CONSPIRATORS First Edition ASSOCIATION COPY?
    Christopher Isherwood


    LONDON: Jonathan Cape, 1928. First Edition (first printing), of the author's First Book.

    Hardcovers, cloth covered boards, 5.5x7.5 inches (13x19 cm), 255 pages.

    Reportedly signed by and from the library of LADY VIOLET POWEL, wife of ANTHONY POWELL. ALL OF WHICH IS PROBABLY UNTRUE. The book was acquired from a well-known Northern California based book auction house. The lot title was "From the library of Lady Violet Powell" and the lot description was; "From the library of Lady Violet Powell, with her signature on the front free endpaper. Lady Powell was the wife of writer Anthony Powell, author of A Dance to the Music of Time. She was a friend of Isherwood's and generally…



    LONDON: Jonathan Cape, 1928. First Edition (first printing), of the author's First Book.

    Hardcovers, cloth covered boards, 5.5x7.5 inches (13x19 cm), 255 pages.

    Reportedly signed by and from the library of LADY VIOLET POWEL, wife of ANTHONY POWELL. ALL OF WHICH IS PROBABLY UNTRUE. The book was acquired from a well-known Northern California based book auction house. The lot title was "From the library of Lady Violet Powell" and the lot description was; "From the library of Lady Violet Powell, with her signature on the front free endpaper. Lady Powell was the wife of writer Anthony Powell, author of A Dance to the Music of Time. She was a friend of Isherwood's and generally taken to be the model for the character of Isobel Tolland in her husband's novel sequence." Handwritten in the book in pencil beside "her" signature is the auction house cataloguer's pencil note: "Lady Powell / wife of Anthony Powell"

    HOWEVER, THIS IS LIKELY NOT HER SIGNATURE OR HER BOOK. The book is signed "VIOLA POWELL / 1930". Note the following: Violet Powell married Anthony Powell in 1934 (i.e. 4 years after the book was signed Viola Powell.) All indications are that Lady Violet Powell only used the name Violet during her life. Comparisons of Lady Violet Powell's signature with this signature show distinct differences. So, speaking personally, buyer beware, and don't wait years to fully research your purchases! Again, THIS IS LIKELY NOT THE SIGNATURE OF VIOLET POWELL. But I share this with you so that you might do your own research, could be the auctioneer and cataloguer were right.

    Condition: The cover's cloth is soiled, splitting at the spine folds and spine ends, and the spine lettering has almost completely disappeared; nonetheless the covers are still doing their job. Internally nice, small initials are written in a corner of the front and rear pastedown, a signature and associated note on the front free-endpaper as discussed above, and a small circular ink stamp is also on the front flyleaf, there is a bit of spotting to a few pages, otherwise the inner pages are tight, bright, clean, clear and unmarked.

    This FIRST EDITION is SCARCE, made more or less so with the signature of a Viola Powell.

    View cart More details Price: $175.00
    Rudolf Carnap

    ABRISS DER LOGISTIK mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Relationstheorie und Ihrer Anwendungen, von Dr. Rudolf Carnap.

    [OUTLINE OF LOGISTICS with Special Reference to the Theory of Relations and Its Applications, by Dr. Rudolf Carnap.]

    WIEN (Vienna): Verlag Von Julius Springer, 1929. First edition.

    Bound in hardcovers, original wrappers trimmed and pasted to endpapers, black cloth covered boards, hand painted gilt title on the front cover, 5.5x8.5 inches, vi, 114 pages.

    ASSOCIATION COPY - Copy of EDMUND CALLIS BERKELEY, with his SIGNATURE on the front free-endpaper. Above his signature is a date stamp "Rec'd Jul 11 1940". It is interesting to note that the three other Berkeley signatures I have seen over the years all had a rubber date stamp…


    ABRISS DER LOGISTIK mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Relationstheorie und Ihrer Anwendungen, von Dr. Rudolf Carnap.

    [OUTLINE OF LOGISTICS with Special Reference to the Theory of Relations and Its Applications, by Dr. Rudolf Carnap.]

    WIEN (Vienna): Verlag Von Julius Springer, 1929. First edition.

    Bound in hardcovers, original wrappers trimmed and pasted to endpapers, black cloth covered boards, hand painted gilt title on the front cover, 5.5x8.5 inches, vi, 114 pages.

    ASSOCIATION COPY - Copy of EDMUND CALLIS BERKELEY, with his SIGNATURE on the front free-endpaper. Above his signature is a date stamp "Rec'd Jul 11 1940". It is interesting to note that the three other Berkeley signatures I have seen over the years all had a rubber date stamp as well, I guess that was something he did. There are some minor handwritten pencil notes, marks and corrections on pages 102-105, and a small notation "Errata p 44" written on the rear pastedown, all of which appear to be in his hand. Nine years after he "received" this book, Berkeley's book GIANT BRAINS OR MACHINES THAT THINK was published (John WIley, New York, 1949). Giant Brains or Machines that Think was an influential work that helped popularize computers. Perhaps this copy of Rudolf Carnap's ABRISS DER LOGISTIK was the work that influenced Edmund C. Berkeley.

    VERY GOOD condition, The covers have wear to the spine and edges; internally, there is a rubberstamped date on the front free-endpaper and some minor notes and corrections within the text, as noted above. Overall a tight, bright, clean and clear copy.


    View cart More details Price: $300.00
  • 1935 RUTH PITTER Poet MAD LADY'S GARLAND - SIGNED and INSCRIBED by JOHN HOLMES to JOHN CIARDI, a Presentation Copy by Ruth Pitter (John Holmes, John Ciardi) 1935 RUTH PITTER Poet MAD LADY'S GARLAND - SIGNED and INSCRIBED by JOHN HOLMES to JOHN CIARDI, a Presentation Copy
    Ruth Pitter (John Holmes, John Ciardi)

    A MAD LADY'S GARLAND, by RUTH PITTER. Published by the Macmillan Company, New York, 1935. A book of poems. INSCRIBED, SIGNED and DATED by JOHN HOLMES, Poet and Tufts University Professor of Literature and Poetry, and PRESENTED to his then student JOHN CIARDI. "John Ciardi, HIS Book, / on and after Dec. 7, 1937 / from John Holmes". Clearly this was John Holmes' personal copy which he was gifting to John Ciardi. Ruth Pitter must have a favorite poet of both of these male poets. Several of the poems have brief handwritten pencil notes and marks beside and on them, likely by either John Holmes or John Ciardi. FAIR condition, the covers are soiled, the spine is sunned / darkened…


    A MAD LADY'S GARLAND, by RUTH PITTER. Published by the Macmillan Company, New York, 1935. A book of poems. INSCRIBED, SIGNED and DATED by JOHN HOLMES, Poet and Tufts University Professor of Literature and Poetry, and PRESENTED to his then student JOHN CIARDI. "John Ciardi, HIS Book, / on and after Dec. 7, 1937 / from John Holmes". Clearly this was John Holmes' personal copy which he was gifting to John Ciardi. Ruth Pitter must have a favorite poet of both of these male poets. Several of the poems have brief handwritten pencil notes and marks beside and on them, likely by either John Holmes or John Ciardi. FAIR condition, the covers are soiled, the spine is sunned / darkened and its lettering is no longer visible; internally there is glue remnant to the front free endpaper likely from the removal of a bookplate, light toning to the pages, otherwise tight, bright, clean and clear. A solid copy. An interesting intersection of John Holmes, John Ciardi, and Ruth Pitter, all in one place. About RUTH PITTER (from Wikipedia): ******Emma Thomas "Ruth" Pitter, CBE, FRSL, b.1897 d.1992, was a 20th century British poet. She was the first woman to receive the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry in 1955, and was appointed a CBE in 1979 to honour her many contributions to English literature. In 1974, she was named a "Companion of Literature", the highest honour given by the Royal Society of Literature. She was a good friend of C. S. Lewis, who admired her poetry. He often invited her critique of his poems. Pitter is considered by many Lewis scholars to have had an effect on his writing in the 1940s and 1950s. W. B. Yeats, Robin Skelton and Thom Gunn also appreciated Pitter's work and praised her poetry. Lord David Cecil once remarked that Pitter was one of the most original and moving poets then living. Despite some praise Pitter has been mostly overlooked. It is only in recent years that there has been a renewed interest in her work.****** About JOHN HOLMES (from Wikipedia): ******JOHN HOLMES, b.1904 d.1962, was a poet and critic. He was born in Somerville, Massachusetts, and both attended and taught at Tufts University where he was a professor of literature and modern poetry for 28 years. His students included Anne Sexton, Richard Wilbur, May Sarton, John Ciardi, Maxine Kumin, and many others. He wrote ten volumes of poetry, but it was his influence on a generation of poets that was his greatest contribution to poetry.****** About JOHN CIARDI (from Wikipedia): ******John Anthony Ciardi, b.1916 d.1986, was an American poet, translator, and etymologist. While primarily known as a poet, he also translated Dante's Divine Comedy, wrote several volumes of children's poetry, pursued etymology, contributed to the Saturday Review as a columnist and longtime poetry editor, and directed the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference in Vermont. In 1959, Ciardi published a book on how to read, write, and teach poetry, How Does a Poem Mean?, which has proven to be among the most used books of its kind.******

    View cart More details Price: $45.00
    Talbot Jennings

    ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM. SCREENPLAY by TALBOT JENNINGS. PRESENTATION COPY to HERBERT RYMAN, the Great Disney Imagineer. Handwritten in pencil on the front cover is: "to herbert Ryman / July 7, '45". I don't know who presented this copy to Ryman, whether it was Talbot or?? Carbon typescript. Paper Covers, bound with 2 brass brackets, 8.5x11", printed on one side only (rectos), pages numbered in three parts - 87, 74 and 32 pages (193 total pages). Cover has a typed title and author. The script does not have a printed date, but the written presentation on the cover is dated July 7, 1945, and clearly this is a draft that was written prior to Sally Benson being brought…


    ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM. SCREENPLAY by TALBOT JENNINGS. PRESENTATION COPY to HERBERT RYMAN, the Great Disney Imagineer. Handwritten in pencil on the front cover is: "to herbert Ryman / July 7, '45". I don't know who presented this copy to Ryman, whether it was Talbot or?? Carbon typescript. Paper Covers, bound with 2 brass brackets, 8.5x11", printed on one side only (rectos), pages numbered in three parts - 87, 74 and 32 pages (193 total pages). Cover has a typed title and author. The script does not have a printed date, but the written presentation on the cover is dated July 7, 1945, and clearly this is a draft that was written prior to Sally Benson being brought on as a co-writer, so early 1945 is most likely the date of this version of the film script. CONDITION: The covers are very worn, the edges have chips, tears and creases, the covers have some stiff creases and lighter creases from handling, nonetheless the covers are still doing their job well, and the typed titling and written presentation on the front cover are bright and fully legible. Internally, the title page has torn from its upper bracket, is coming loose, and has numerous creases; the next couple of pages have a few crease but are still sturdy and in place; all the pages are lightly toned / browned with age; otherwise the pages are just lightly used and still complete, bright, clean and unmarked. A VERY RARE EARLY DRAFT of ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM with the GREAT ASSOCIATION to HERBERT RYMAN. You can read about Talbot Jennings on Wikipedia and about Herbert Ryman on Wikipedia and many other online sites.

    View cart More details Price: $500.00
    Alan Pryce-Jones

    THREE POEMS, by ALAN PRYCE-JONES. SIGNED and INSCRIBED by ALAN PRYCE-JONES to LILIAN (possibly LILIANE DE ROTHSCHILD, his sister-in-law): "For Lilian, / from / Alan, / with love". (Therese Fould-Springer, wife of Alan Pryce-Jones from 1934 until her death in 1953, was the sister of Liliane de Rothschild, née Fould-Springer, wife of Baron Élie de Rothschild. Alan Pryce-Jones remained close to Liliane for his entire life, even after the death of his wife, her sister.) Self-Published in a limited but unstated number. Printed by The Third & Elm Press, Newport, Rhode Island, December 1973. First Edition, First Printing. Thin Booklet / Chapbook, orange paper covers, French folds, sewn binding, 8 pages. VERY GOOD condition, just light signs of handling, overall…


    THREE POEMS, by ALAN PRYCE-JONES. SIGNED and INSCRIBED by ALAN PRYCE-JONES to LILIAN (possibly LILIANE DE ROTHSCHILD, his sister-in-law): "For Lilian, / from / Alan, / with love". (Therese Fould-Springer, wife of Alan Pryce-Jones from 1934 until her death in 1953, was the sister of Liliane de Rothschild, née Fould-Springer, wife of Baron Élie de Rothschild. Alan Pryce-Jones remained close to Liliane for his entire life, even after the death of his wife, her sister.) Self-Published in a limited but unstated number. Printed by The Third & Elm Press, Newport, Rhode Island, December 1973. First Edition, First Printing. Thin Booklet / Chapbook, orange paper covers, French folds, sewn binding, 8 pages. VERY GOOD condition, just light signs of handling, overall tight, bright and clean. UNCOMMON Alan Pryce-Jones chapbook made SCARCE with his SIGNATURE and INSCRIPTION.

    View cart More details Price: $100.00
    Bernard Charles Mathieu and Ferdinand Denis

    LIVRE DE PRIÈRES - Illustré à l'aide des Ornements Des Manuscrits du Moyen Age / classés dans l'ordre chronologique et selon les styles divers qui se sont succédé depuis le huitième siècle jusqu'au seizième.

    (BOOK OF PRAYERS / BOOK OF HOURS - Illustrated with Ornamentations from Manuscripts of the Middle Ages...)

    By Bernard Charles Mathieu and Ferdinand Denis.

    Published by Charles Mathieu and Printed by Chez J. Renouard, PARIS, 1858 and 1862.

    Two Volumes, full calf leather, front and rear covers blind stamped, spine titled in gilt, five raised spine bands, all edges gauffered and gilt, dentelles in blind with corner fleurons, marbled endpapers, 5x7 inches (13x18 cm). Pagination: 149, [13]; 250 pp. Text in French.

    Volume I illustrated…


    LIVRE DE PRIÈRES - Illustré à l'aide des Ornements Des Manuscrits du Moyen Age / classés dans l'ordre chronologique et selon les styles divers qui se sont succédé depuis le huitième siècle jusqu'au seizième.

    (BOOK OF PRAYERS / BOOK OF HOURS - Illustrated with Ornamentations from Manuscripts of the Middle Ages...)

    By Bernard Charles Mathieu and Ferdinand Denis.

    Published by Charles Mathieu and Printed by Chez J. Renouard, PARIS, 1858 and 1862.

    Two Volumes, full calf leather, front and rear covers blind stamped, spine titled in gilt, five raised spine bands, all edges gauffered and gilt, dentelles in blind with corner fleurons, marbled endpapers, 5x7 inches (13x18 cm). Pagination: 149, [13]; 250 pp. Text in French.

    Volume I illustrated throughout with gorgeous chromolithographs. Volume II a text volume with b&w ornamental framing.

    A beautiful prayer book.

    Volume I, the most important of the two volumes and published two years prior to Volume II, is exquisitely embellished throughout with chromolithograph borders and plates depicting medieval manuscripts. Preliminary pages of this volume give details of the border ornamentations:. Byzantine for the Morning Prayers, Carolingian for the Evening Prayers, etc. Each section of prayers has a chromolithograph frontispiece. At the end there is also The Mass for Marriage. The lithography is by Charles Mathieu. Simply GORGEOUS.

    Volume II contains a history of European decorative manuscript painting from antiquity through the Gothic period. The text is written by Ferdinand Denis.

    Provenance: A great association copy. Both volumes have the bookplate of ROBERT ORMES DOUGAN, b.1904 d.1999, on the front pastedown. His signature is also on the blank verso of the front free endpaper of Volume I. Dougan was the director of the Dublin Library and later Chief Librarian of the Huntington Library. He was renowned for his knowlege of The Book of Kells. He donated many books and medieval manuscripts to Occidental College, as well as to other universities. Tipped in OVER the Dougan bookplates is an Occidental College bookplate which has a "Released" notice printed at its bottom. The OC bookplate can be lifted up to fully reveal Dougan's bookplate below. Obituaries that detail Dougan's life can easily found online at The Guardian, The Independent, and L.A. Times websites.

    Condition: The covers of both volumes have some rubbing and there are nicks to the leather along the spine folds, but they remain solid and lovely. Internally, Volume I has some foxing and toning throughout, heaviest to the early and later pages, otherwise both volumes are tight, bright clean and unmarked.

    Volume I, with its gorgeous chromolithograph plates and ornamental borders, has become almost impossible to find.

    View cart More details Price: $500.00
  • Seven NATHAN OLIVEIRA Art Exhibition CATALOGS - Each SIGNED & INSCRIBED - Association Copies by Nathan Oliveira Seven NATHAN OLIVEIRA Art Exhibition CATALOGS - Each SIGNED & INSCRIBED - Association Copies
    Nathan Oliveira

    Seven Nathan Oliveira art exhibition catalogs. Softcovers, various sizes and pagination. They are lovingly SIGNED and INSCRIBED by NATHAN OLIVEIRA to his close friends MARGOT & JAMES SCHEVILL. Six are inscribed on the title page or front endpaper, one has a laid-in inscribed postcard.

    GOOD Condition: All the catalogs have some soiling to the covers, two have a sunned spine, one, Turomaquia, has a half-dollar size old grease stain to the front cover; internally all are tight, bright, clean and clear. A nice set.

    Both James Schevill and Margot Schevill, to whom the catalogs were inscribed, led very interesting lives.

    James Erwin Schevill, b.1920 d.2009, was an American poet, critic, playwright and professor at San Francisco State University and…


    Seven Nathan Oliveira art exhibition catalogs. Softcovers, various sizes and pagination. They are lovingly SIGNED and INSCRIBED by NATHAN OLIVEIRA to his close friends MARGOT & JAMES SCHEVILL. Six are inscribed on the title page or front endpaper, one has a laid-in inscribed postcard.

    GOOD Condition: All the catalogs have some soiling to the covers, two have a sunned spine, one, Turomaquia, has a half-dollar size old grease stain to the front cover; internally all are tight, bright, clean and clear. A nice set.

    Both James Schevill and Margot Schevill, to whom the catalogs were inscribed, led very interesting lives.

    James Erwin Schevill, b.1920 d.2009, was an American poet, critic, playwright and professor at San Francisco State University and Brown University, and the recipient of Guggenheim and Ford Foundation fellowships. In a 1950 letter to Robert Sproul, the president of the University of California, he refused to sign a loyalty oath, at the time a prerequisite to becoming an instructor at UC Berkeley. - Wikipedia.

    Margot Blum Schevill, b.1934 d.2024, was a talented musician and scholar. In 1972 she graduated from Brown University's first women's class. Margot was an opera singer in San Francisco during the 1950s and 60s, performing with orchestras. She founded the New Music Ensemble at Brown University. In the 1980s, she transitioned to anthropology, focusing on indigenous textiles and curating exhibitions. - S.F. Chronicle Obituary

    You can read much more about the Schevills on the Internet.

    View cart More details Price: $200.00
  • THE BRADY BOOK: ROY BRADY'S UNPUBLISHED WRITINGS ON WINE 1/250 Signed & Inscribed by Editor THOMAS PINNEY to Master Sommelier GILLES de CHAMBURE by Roy Brady, edited by Thomas Pinney THE BRADY BOOK: ROY BRADY'S UNPUBLISHED WRITINGS ON WINE 1/250 Signed & Inscribed by Editor THOMAS PINNEY to Master Sommelier GILLES de CHAMBURE
    Roy Brady, edited by Thomas Pinney

    THE BRADY BOOK: Selections from ROY BRADY'S UNPUBLISHED WRITINGS ON WINE. Edited with an Introduction by Thomas Pinney.

    Published by NOMIS PRESS, Santa Rosa, California, in association with the Wine Librarians Association, Healdsburg, California, 2004. FIRST EDITION, LIMITED to only 250 copies, this being copy number 205, as stated on the Colophon Page (the last page). This book was quickly sold out upon publication.

    SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY. Signed and Inscribed on the title page by the Editor, and noted wine authority, THOMAS PINNEY, to the MASTER SOMMELIER GILLES DE CHAMBURE. "To Gilles de Chambure / from / Thomas Pinney / Stoney Hill Winery / 3.10.04".

    Hardcovers, cloth covered boards, gilt design on front cover, gilt titling on spine, 7x10 inches.…


    THE BRADY BOOK: Selections from ROY BRADY'S UNPUBLISHED WRITINGS ON WINE. Edited with an Introduction by Thomas Pinney.

    Published by NOMIS PRESS, Santa Rosa, California, in association with the Wine Librarians Association, Healdsburg, California, 2004. FIRST EDITION, LIMITED to only 250 copies, this being copy number 205, as stated on the Colophon Page (the last page). This book was quickly sold out upon publication.

    SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY. Signed and Inscribed on the title page by the Editor, and noted wine authority, THOMAS PINNEY, to the MASTER SOMMELIER GILLES DE CHAMBURE. "To Gilles de Chambure / from / Thomas Pinney / Stoney Hill Winery / 3.10.04".

    Hardcovers, cloth covered boards, gilt design on front cover, gilt titling on spine, 7x10 inches. Pagination: lix, 199 pages. Laid in are 2 copies of the 4-page, single-fold prospectus.

    Contains 24 illustrations, including 14 TIPPED-IN REPRODUCTIONS OF WINE LABELS and a tipped-in "Collection of ROY BRADY" bookplate on the page facing the Colophon page.

    NEAR FINE condition: Light foxing and some tiny spots to the top page edges (page edges of the closed book), slight bump to the upper corner tip of the rear cover, otherwise fine, sharp, tight, bright, clean, clear and unmarked.

    SCARCE, especially so with Thomas Pinney's inscription to Gilles de Chambure and the bookplate of Roy Brady.

    From the Publisher: . ******In 2004, on behalf of and for the benefit of the Wine Librarians Association, Nomis Press produced and published a special, limited edition book in tribute to Roy Brady, a man of many wine talents: The Brady Book: Selections from Roy Brady's Unpublished Writings on Wine. With an Introduction by Thomas Pinney. 199pp, 250 copies, presented in a handsome two-color format, with 14 tipped-in color reproductions of wine labels from the Brady Collection.******

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  • THE MOVEMENT - DOCUMENTARY of a STRUGGLE for EQUALITY First Ed. SNCC Association by Text by Lorraine Hansberry THE MOVEMENT - DOCUMENTARY of a STRUGGLE for EQUALITY First Ed. SNCC Association
    Text by Lorraine Hansberry


    Published by Simon & Schuster, New York, 1964. FIRST PRINTING, so stated on the copyright page.

    COPY of the Friends of SNCC, with its ink stamp on the half-title page: "Long Beach Area / Friends of S.N.C.C." The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee worked to assist Black activists in their struggle for equality in the sixties


    COPY of LELAND COLE, with his signature and date "1965" on the inside front cover. Leland Cole was a LEAD INVESTIGATOR for the ANTI-CIVIL RIGHTS MISSISSIPPI SOVEREIGNTY COMMISSION. He was reportedly responsible for stirring up lots of white…



    Published by Simon & Schuster, New York, 1964. FIRST PRINTING, so stated on the copyright page.

    COPY of the Friends of SNCC, with its ink stamp on the half-title page: "Long Beach Area / Friends of S.N.C.C." The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee worked to assist Black activists in their struggle for equality in the sixties


    COPY of LELAND COLE, with his signature and date "1965" on the inside front cover. Leland Cole was a LEAD INVESTIGATOR for the ANTI-CIVIL RIGHTS MISSISSIPPI SOVEREIGNTY COMMISSION. He was reportedly responsible for stirring up lots of white anger.

    Softcovers, 8.5" x 11", 127 pages. ILLUSTRATED throughout with historic b&w photographs.

    GOOD CONDITION, the covers have shelf-rubs, superficial scrapes, edge, spine-end and corner-tip wear, and general signs of handling, but remain sturdy and bright; internally the pages are tight, bright, clean and unmarked. A solid, presentable copy of this important work.


    About the SNCC (from Wikipedia):

    ******The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee "SNCC" was the principal channel of student commitment in the United States to the civil rights movement during the 1960s. Emerging in 1960 from the student-led sit-ins at segregated lunch counters in Greensboro, North Carolina, and Nashville, Tennessee, the Committee sought to coordinate and assist direct-action challenges to the civic segregation and political exclusion of African Americans. From 1962, with the support of the Voter Education Project, SNCC committed to the registration and mobilization of black voters in the Deep South.******


    ******The Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission was a state agency in Mississippi tasked with fighting integration and controlling civil rights activism...The Sovereignty Commission spied on and conspired against civil rights activists and organized pressure and economic retaliation against those who supported the civil rights movement in Mississippi. Principal investigators for the Sovereignty Commission were Virgil Downing, LELAND COLE, Fulton Tutor, Edgar C. Fortenberry, and James Mohead. They frequently relied upon informants, who were often compensated as much as $500 a month.******

    About LELAND COLE (from "The Black Freedom Struggle in Claiborne County, Mississippi", by Emilye Crosby, University of North Carolina Press, 2006 - pages 204 and 227.):

    ******Despite Charles Evers's early January offer to discuss a settlement [to an African-American led boycott], whites opened the New Year with repression, not negotiation. SOVEREIGNTY COMMISSION INVESTIGATOR LELAD COLE, who George Walker observed "was constantly stirring up the people in the community," initiated a high-pressure campaign to undermine the Evers' led boycott.

    The presence of civil rights lawyers let white officials know that others were monitoring their actions. For example, in January 1967, when Sovereignty Commission investigator LELAND COLE was using widespread arrests to try to break the Port Gibson boycott, he was concerned enough about the Lawyers' Committee to report that the "arrests are valid and we see that each case is built by enough witnesses to withstand the defense put up by civil rights lawyers from Jackson."******

    View cart More details Price: $200.00
    Daniel Gregory MASON

    TWO BOOKS by COMPOSER DANIEL GREGORY MASON - SIGNED & INSCRIBED Association Copies. (1) TUNE IN AMERICA, by DANIEL GREGORY MASON. Published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1931. First Edition, so stated. SIGNED and INSCRIBED on the front free endpaper by the AUTHOR to PIANIST HARRY KAUFMAN and his wife: "Cordial regards to / Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaufman / Daniel Gregory Mason / June, 1932." Hardcover Book in Dustjacket, 5.5" x 7.5", 206 pages. Condition: VERY GOOD book, the covers have some toning to the edges and spine, there is a newspaper review taped onto a blank prelim page that has offset and left pieces of tape to the page and the facing page, otherwise tight, bright, clean…


    TWO BOOKS by COMPOSER DANIEL GREGORY MASON - SIGNED & INSCRIBED Association Copies. (1) TUNE IN AMERICA, by DANIEL GREGORY MASON. Published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1931. First Edition, so stated. SIGNED and INSCRIBED on the front free endpaper by the AUTHOR to PIANIST HARRY KAUFMAN and his wife: "Cordial regards to / Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaufman / Daniel Gregory Mason / June, 1932." Hardcover Book in Dustjacket, 5.5" x 7.5", 206 pages. Condition: VERY GOOD book, the covers have some toning to the edges and spine, there is a newspaper review taped onto a blank prelim page that has offset and left pieces of tape to the page and the facing page, otherwise tight, bright, clean and unmarked; in a FAIR dustjacket that is heavily sunned at the spine and margins, has a couple closed tears across the spine, is chipped with tears at the spine ends and corners, and has spotting, but is still in one piece and doing its job. (2) THE CHAMBER MUSIC OF BRAHMS, by DANIEL GREGORY MASON. Published by the Macmillan Company, New York, 1933. First Edition, with the date 1933 on the title page, the statement "Published May, 1933" on the copyright page, and with no indication of additional printings. SIGNED and INSCRIBED on the front free endpaper by the AUTHOR to PIANIST HARRY KAUFMAN: "Why you read this, remember / our playing the G major / Violin Quintet, at Westport, / September 7, 1933. / To Harry Kaufman / Daniel Gregory Mason." Hardcover Book, no dustjacket, 6.5" x 9.5",

    276 pages. GOOD condition: The covers are worn through at the spine ends and corner tips, have spotting and rubbing at the margins, and lightly bumped corners; internally the pages are lightly toned, as normal, otherwise tight, bright clean and unmarked. A solid copy. Daniel Gregory Mason (1873-1953) was an American composer and music critic. Harry Kaufman (1894-1961) was a CONCERT PIANIST and MUSIC TEACHER at the CURTIS INSTITUTE OF MUSIC, Philadelphia. For 17 years he headed the Institute's Department of Accompanying. During this time his former piano teacher JOSEF HOFMANN was director of the Institute.

    View cart More details Price: $130.00